This past week sent shock waves through our nation once again. I’ve experienced them before. I witnessed the oil crisis of the 1970s with long lines at every gas station. I lived in the SF Bay Area during the Loma Prieta earthquake and its aftermath. We’d moved to Raleigh NC in time to catch Hurricane Fran and the devastation it wreaked on our town. And I joined the nation in mourning the loss of life and sense of security with the terrorist attacks of 2001. I know the anxious feeling that uncertainty brings, and I tell myself that we shall get through it. But I surely do not like it.
The World Health Organization declared COVID-19 a pandemic one week ago. Federal, state, and local governments have been taking action to restrict travel and establish a measure of social distancing in an attempt to contain the outbreak. As a country, we are scrambling to establish appropriate testing protocols and capacity to identify and (I hope) quarantine affected parties. We have a pressing need to flatten the growth rate of infection so as not to overwhelm our healthcare system. And yet some folks do not take the disease seriously based on the relatively small number of confirmed cases reported to date.
Here’s why I take it seriously:
- Confirmed cases are likely grossly underreported given the relatively small number of tests performed to date.
- Many people present mild symptoms and, therefore, do not realize that they are carriers of the disease.
- The virus appears to have staying power on surfaces that have come into contact with an infected person, thereby increasing its transmission rate.
- Death rates are disproportionately high, especially for older persons. (My husband and I are older adults!) Those with severe symptoms often require hospitalization to avoid becoming a statistic. They may require a lengthy convalescence and may not recover fully.
- The growth rate of cases has been exponential; demand for hospital intervention can rapidly outpace capacity.
I had an especially nasty bout with the flu 5 years ago. While it did not rise to the level of hospitalization, I have a keen sense for how “severe symptoms” present and the reality of never quite getting back to “normal” again. I have no desire to experience that again!
We’ve opted to practice social distancing and home isolation. We’ll venture forth to address necessities, e.g., to secure food and prescription medicine. We’ll maintain a discrete distance from others when out and wash our hands thoroughly upon our return. In short, we’ll err on the side of caution to protect ourselves and others.
Meanwhile, we’ll take the opportunity to attend to some long-standing projects that have been on the “to do” list but just never gurgled up to high priority. For example:
- We’ve reached out to our attorney to update our estate plans. We have been meaning to do it for ages. While I don’t anticipate them having to go into effect, we’ll feel comforted in knowing that we’ve done a yeoman’s job preparing for worst-case scenarios.
- We’ve updated our emergency suppliers to hold us over if we need to shelter in place for 2-4 weeks.
- We finished planting all the trees and shrubs for our updated front and back yards. We’ll pay closer attention to them going forward. It’s great exercise!
- I’ll be catching up on sewing projects that have been nagging at me for weeks (if not months!)
- We’ll finally get around to going through our closets and garage to identify things that we no longer use or need. I’m not sure when we’ll be able to dispose of them, but at least the hard work of going through everything will be behind us!
- We’ll both catch up on “office work” that proves time-consuming, mildly tedious, and worth doing.
- We’ll exercise consistently, eat well, and get plenty of rest.
- We’ll make the most out of the quality time that we get to spend together.
- We’ll practice gratitude for all the things that we have and be mindful of others whose predicaments are more precarious than ours.
I’m still unsettled by the uncertainty that surrounds me. But I will do my best to keep this household healthy and upbeat. Fortunately, having a blissfully ignorant, unerringly jubilant Scottish terrier helps!